“No matter what kind of signal we transmit into space or the condition of transmission is, the total of continues length of that signal cannot be longer than 23.93 hours or 25,849,260,000KM”

Since the first day the radio was invented by Guglielmo Marconi in 1895, we always thought that the signals we are sending to space one day would reach someone and they reply to our broadcast. We have seen in the movies and documentaries and read it in books that we are able to send radio signals to space and hoping one day they reach a planet in a far distance. Still thousands of people across the world broadcast special signals into the space and scan thousands of channels everyday hoping to receive something. But, now I can strongly state that because of a frequency-Shift in signals we NEVER have and we NEVER will be able to receive or send even a single signal EVER (a signal of any kind that is understandable or transformable to a form that they can understand it, like turning radio signals into audio). Not even a “beep”(!). Distortions, yes, but not a signal that has been transmitted and received as whole.

“No matter what kind of signal we transmit into space or the condition of transmission is, the total of continues length of that signal cannot be longer than 23.93 hours or 25,849,260,000KM”
Millions of dollars are spent on research every year in most countries around the world trying to receive something from the deep space on their radio receivers without a success. Still we can hear the scientists speaking of radio signals are sent into space for past 70 or 100 years and the signals have traveled a fare bit of long distance and maybe one day someone on a different planet would receive these signals and return a reply. We still hear about SETI (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence) and NASA that are scanning thousands of radio channels everyday to see if they can receive anything. SETI has even developed a screen saver that allows users to receive some of these data in a row format, process them and send them back to their site. The signals do reach a destination, but after a considerable time of travel they tend not to be the same signal was generated in the first place. The signal has a new shape and is not the same as we always believed.

The changes to the signals have nothing to do with the condition of signal generator and how powerful it is. Space noise and presence of other signals in the space have nothing to do with the changes to the signal. In normal condition of transmission (i.e. a stationary transmitter) as signal travels a long distance it loses strength and weakens, in the long run it would loss power and eventually disappear, but what is discussed here is the condition that the transmitter is located on a rotating planet (i.e. the earth) and there are no actions taken to reduce this effect. Scientists believe radio signals are generated by planets that do interfere with our transmissions, this is correct but signals have already changed their shape because of the way we transmit them into space. I explain it why they never have and never will be able to get something out of transmitting signals to other intelligent life or listening to them.

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