What is a “frequency-Shift”?
If a planet is rotating on its axis it will shift whatever is sent out of the planet, such as light or radio signals. This shift is so small that no one has ever bothered to calculate it, and because we always wanted to communicate with a relatively shorter distance (mostly within our own solar system) we actually never experienced this phenomena. The frequencys or signals start to shift immediately after they leave the transmitter (assuming this transmission is sent directly into space from a dish antenna facing the sky on a 90° angle), but because this shift is so small, it never had any effect on our communications. This shift starts to have a major effect after leaving our solar system.
For example if we are sending a signal to the length of one second from Sydney to PLUTO the last planet in our solar system which is only 5.6 hours (approx.) away by radio signals, the frequency-Shift at this distance is only 110* meters. This shift is not enough to stop the receiver from receiving this signal as the signal’s width would compensate the shift. (See the “Shared areas of shifted signal”)
In recent times we saw contacts were lost with Pioneer 10 only 12 hours (half a light day) away from the Earth. If steps taken and corrections are made to the conditions of transmission we would be able to resume communications with the satellite. Although scientist believe with the only 28 watts of power Pioneer 10 has no signal strength to communicate with earth; but the real problem lies with the way that the signal travels, not the power of transmitter nor the space noise. Of course the more powerful the transmitter is the longer the signal travels and easier to detect, but the first to consider is the condition of transmitter and the rate of its rotation and movement on daily basis. In long distance communications the space noise and signal strength are important factors in transmission of data, but the primary concern is the frequency-Shift. To read more about how communications can be resumed with Pioneer 10 click here.
The responsibility of tracking Pioneer 10 is with Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex located in Canberra, Australia. As Canberra is located on 36° latitude, by referring to the formula the beginning and the end of every one second signals are 223* meters apart. In order to enable us to communicate with Pioneer 10, these signals should be almost on the same line and be around 0 meters apart. For example if we are going to transmit a minute of data to this satellite, the beginning of the transmission would be 13,350 meters apart with the end of the transmission. 13.3km distance in signal is grater than what the satellite can handle. By the time the transmission is over the satellite is simply not there to receive the completion of the signal.
Click to enlarge
A “frequency-Shift” is when the end of a frequency length has a distance from the beginning of the same signal on the same line. This distance must be zero or close to zero to enable us to receive it and understand it or translate it. When we transmit a signal the beginning and the end of the signal are on the same line and the distance between them is zero, but after traveling a long distance into the space this distance appears to be moved from zero and grows more as it travels farther from the transmitter. (Click to enlarge). The farther the signal travels, the grater the shift is. Eventually the signal would travel in a form that would seem almost sideways rather than straight line.
It does not mean we cannot receive a signal when it is shifted. We are still able to receive it but we can’t translate it or turn it into an audible format. If you have a good radio receiver with LW (Long frequency) band, you can receive some of these “shifted signals” in a form of distortions. These distortions sound like an electric motor running close to a radio, but far from each other. Electric motor creates much closer and jammed signals than a shifted signal. To see the 24 hours version click here.
*Ask for details of these figures or see the formula.
Why LW band?
As signals are shifted they are stretched and from 100s or 1000s of megahertz per second down to 100s of kilohertz per second and in some cases even less than this. For example if we are sending a radio signal on AM band of 800 kHz, after a few light years they are down to a few hundred Hertz. Microfrequency signals are no exceptions. Before if the length of 800 kHz signal was 1 second or 300,000Km now the same signal is longer in length than before, it is longer by 0.103*Km per second per light year (See diagram) (if the signal is transmitted from the Equator, see formula). So if the signal is going to travel a very long distance this stretching continues and the amount of signals per second will drop. If before we had 800 kHz/s signals after 100 years travel we would have relatively less signals per seconds.
Does it only effect to Radio Signals?
No, it has the same effects on light as well as radio signal.
Does it only effect to transmitting or receiving of radio signals?
The effects start from transmitting, but if you are on the receiving end it would effect you. This means that if a signal is coming from a planet in the far distance and we are trying to receive it, this signal is shifted at a rate that depends on:
1- How far the planet is from us, and
2- How fast the planet is rotating on its axis.
This finding shows that we have never been able to receive any signals from the outer space that we could interpret it or transform it to a form that we can hear or understand. With the way and equipments we are using we will never be able to receive any signals. The only thing that we can receive are very short signals that because of their nature of travel we can translate them into fainted “beeps” and hear them on the radio.
How it happens?
When the base of the transmitter is on the move and/or rotating on its axis (like a planet/the Earth) at a fast rate the signals that are transmitted would be shifted after they leave our solar system. The amount of this shift depends on the location of the transmitter from the equator. On the equator (0°) the frequency-Shift is the maximum amount, by going farther away from the equator and getting closer to the poles (90°) the frequency-Shift is reduced and will be zero at the poles. The length of the signal stays the same, but it is its direction that shifts.
For example if we are transmitting a 5 minutes of radio signals from somewhere on the equator, after 1 light year it is still a 5 minutes in length signal but is now traveling almost sideways and the end of signal is separated from the beginning of it by about 74,464*Km.
How it effects the light?
It shifts the light same way as radio signals, see the next page.
Why we still can receive the lights from very distant stars and planets, but not the radio signals from even 1 light day away?
Click to enlarge.
Frequency-Shift starts from distance of 1 LD or sometimes even less than that. (1 LD, Light Day is the distance that light travels in 1 day or 23.93 hours). For example the frequency-Shift at this point if the transmitter is located at 33.88° latitude (Sydney) would be 470* meters.
We are still receiving radio signals but unable to sort them out and interpret them. We can see light from stars and planets millions or even billions of light years away because to see a light it is enough to receive a small fragment of the signal, that is all needed. But in radio signals we have to receive the complete length of the signal so we can interpret it. (Click to enlarge) We cannot see any stars or planet that is rotating on its axis in fine details. All we can see is a bright dot and sometimes with darker spots on them.
Even if we build the most powerful telescope in the universe, when we look at a planet only 100 light years away we will not be able to see a detailed picture of the planet, all what we would see is a distorted picture. This picture would look like a pixilated picture and some would think with special computer software they can clear these distortions. There are planets and solar systems millions or even billions of light years away from us.
Why we see pictures of very far distance objects in space with a very fine details?
Planet view from a far distance, every planet would look like this as the result of shift in light signals.
The image of a planet from any distance if not rotating
Images from any distant planets/stars look very similar, and blurry due to rotation.
Because they are not rotating, objects such as space dust clouds or asteroids are not rotating therefore are not subject to a “Frequency-Shift”. The frequency-shift is applicable to any rotating objects. The pictures “A & B” present an illustrated version of frequency-shift on light arrays and how they effect our vision. On picture “A” this is Earth if is not rotating or taken picture from a close proximity, picture “B” presents the planet from a very remote proximity and the planet rotates.
On picture “A” we can zoom in our telescope to see more fine details. On picture “B” no matter how much we can zoom in or how good we can digitally process the pictures with computers; still we can’t make a good picture out of it. No matter how we adjust our telescopes or how powerful they are, it seems we cannot see the fine details that we think we should. If with the state-of the-art computer digitally we sharpen and modify these images we would create a picture that would make some meaning but is far from the real image.
This means that from a blurry image we are creating an image that is not related to the real image anymore, we have created a totally new image.
The image is not just blur, it is made of many layers, when we look at an object in a close proximity we see one layer for each object, or to put it in a correct way we see the object made out of many layers that are constantly projected outwards; all these layers have the same origin and the same destination.
When we increase our distance the “Motion Effect” overlays all these layers, these layers have same origin but different destination. As you can see in the picture the light signals are shifted and the objects have become blurred. This shift and blur continues to get grater as the distance gets grater. From a considerable distance all planets and stars would appear very similar, just the bright and darker spots are placed differently.
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