What effect it has on light?

The effect on light starts from the time that light leaves its source, same as radio signals. But, unlike radio signals that we need the whole lot of signals to make something out of it, i.e. make it audible, just a fragment of light is enough to register on film or eye for further research.

The diagram shows how light leaves the planet and how it travels. As it shows when the planet is rotating on its axis, different area of planet are exposed and positioned to observer. No matter what, we cannot send signals more than 23.93 hours in length into space. At the start point of transmission the signal is sent will travel 25,849,260,000Km by the time the transmitter is set on the same position (almost, one day disposition in sun’s orbit) as it was before, after earth has rotated on its axis. The next day transmission will not follow the pervious day’s transmission as the continuation of signal is not there any more. The transmission is a continues fact, but the path the signals take is not connected. There is a 24 hour distance between each day of transmission from the beginning of previous transmission to the new beginning of the next day transmission. This length of signal can be variable due to the diameter of different planets. You might dispute this and say we’re sending signals for 100 years to the length of trillions and trillions of kilometers, but the fact is everyday is an individual day, and every signal is sent has nothing to do with the pervious day signal sent, they do not connect.

This diagram shows the direction of light and how they turn sideways. By looking at a planet we can see different areas of planet all at the same time. By looking at a planet from distant as we receive light and see the planet, we assume the lights are coming like a beam directly from the planet. If you turn a powerful torch in dark you will see the beam of light goes to the sky and seems that it is going for ever the same way that we see it at time. If we move the torch from side to side very fast we still can see the beam the same way and not notice the movement to the structure of beam. But if the beam is powerful enough to travel thousands of years after this period of time if you could the light it would not look like a beam anymore. Instead it will look like spread and wide area of light. Using a normal torch is sending light to a wider area and as the light travels further from source its radius widens, using a torch that sends a perfect parallel of beams is meant to be used.

If lights collected from a planet for research and to see how the speed of light would be after traveling an approximately 1,000,000,000 light years, this collection of lights cannot be used as they are not from the same source. These light fragments and particles are collected from many different “Layers”, and every layer has its own spectrum characteristics. Some layers come from lower part of spectrum and some come from higher end of spectrum. After a considerable time of travel, photons of one beam of light that are generated from the same source are moved and mixed with other photons of different beam from different source. Some would say if a light is collected from a star it has the same characteristics, as the whole star is the only source of light. It is true if you are looking at the star from within a solar system or galaxy, but if you are going to study the star from a distance of 1b light years, it would be different as every fragments and particles of light are traveling sideways. Radio signals and light loose density as they travel further from a planet or star and slowly after traveling billions of light years they have less photons and signals per square inch than the beginning.

This is important to know that after a considerable time of travel light and radio signals lose their density before they lose their strength. This is exactly opposite of what we are told by scientists, they believe radio signals and light lose their strength before they disappear. They believe the disappearance of signals are as the result of loss of their energy, they do not have any explanation in the result of loss of density as they do not have a good understanding of frequency-shift to this level, or they are not taking the frequency-shift serious. We have not heard anything about the loss of density from the scientists as they do not relate the density and frequency-shift as a common problem. Areas of space that we observe with the most powerful telescopes and see totally black and believe there are no stars is not a correct statement. Due to the loss of density we do not receive enough light from the planets/stars from that area; that is why we see the area black, the darkness does not mean there are no planet/stars in that area. Scientists have observed stars from 11 billion light years from earth, does it mean in the distance of 12 billion light years from earth there are no stars and the space has reached its limits? Not at all, to see beyond this limit we have to change our point of view and move our telescopes closer to the stars in that area. For example move the telescope to a billion light year from earth so we can see that area. Not that is possible in practical terms to put our telescope a billion light year from earth, but in theory it is important to make such assumptions.

At the distance of 1b light years one beam of light mixes up with many other beams of light which were generated thousands of miles apart with a totally different characteristics and from totally different source. Some scientists by examining lights that have traveled billions of light years would think that the speed of light is reduced as the result of distance of travel, but this theory cannot be right as they are not able to examine the same beam of light from the same source; even though if scientists would show this reduction of speed in lab. By examining different layers of light it cannot be determined that the speed of light is whether reduced, increased or is the same; the same amount of light from the same source cannot be collected due to rotation of the planet or star. The photons at the beginning of test are from different source than the photons from the end of test.

It might be said that if a light is coming from a star it would be the same as the star is producing light at its entire surface. A star is producing light at its entire surface not in the same intensity, by studying our own Sun, it shows brighter areas and darker areas all over the surface. This means there are different light arrays that are generated with different characteristics. With planets there are some areas that are not producing light at all and there are areas just a few miles away that produce a lot of light, i.e. a volcano that is very active when the planet rotates into dark side, or light is reflected from a sea that acts like a mirror.


The diagram shows that by looking at a planet light years away from us we actually would be looking at images coming from different areas of planet, but on the same angle. Images from thousands of miles apart from each other are entering into eye or camera one after each other and mistakenly they appear to be from the same point. By looking at a planet or star for a period of time, or exposing a film to the planet for long will result in capturing wrong images. Since the first person attached a camera to a telescope to take a picture of a planet they came into this habit of exposing the film to light for a long time. Astronomers expose the film to light sometimes for minutes and hours. This practice will result in registration of multiple images from different part of planet thousands of miles apart onto the film creating one image. The final result would be an image that contains a lot more images from ‘sometimes the whole’ planet.

Light beams that had left the planet light years ago now travel sideways and now are turned into “Layers” rather than straight beams. These layers are now positioned one after each other, by exposing a film to these layers we are actually registering multiple layers that are from different part of planet. For example using Earth, if we put our prospect one thousand light years away and look directly at the planet we will see everything from east to west. We can take a photograph of anything from Shanghai all the way to London onto one image that the film is exposed to light for a few minutes. To avoid this multiple registration of images onto films we must stop exposing them to light for long period of time. Layers must be captured at one time only rather than capturing multiple layers at once.

Exactly opposite of traditional way of photography, which is exposing the film to lights from a planet for long time; a very fast speed camera is needed to capture these layers. Although it is necessary to capture more light as the light coming from distant planets are fainted and more photons needed to register on film, but this is causing further problem. With current tradition astronomers expose the film up to 20 minutes and sometimes up to an hour of light, 20 minutes exposure will capture layers to the thickness of 360,000,000Km. Earth rotates at 465m per second on its axis, in 20 minutes the location on earth has moved 558Km from the previous position – plus the distance it has traveled around sun, imagine to start to photograph an object and by the time you close the shutter the object has moved 558Km away and a new object is exposing.

Scientists do compensate this movements by adjusting the telescope or receiver dish by moving it at the same rate as earth rotates, but this only corrects the problem at our side, when the light/signal comes from a planet nothing can compensate the shifted signals generated from that planet.
To overcome this problem we need a very fast shutter speed to cut these movements. For example a camera with 1/1000 of a second shutter speed can capture a layer of 300Km thick. If the shutter speed is set to a faster action like 1/2000 or 1/4000 of a second it can capture 150Km and 75Km of these layers consequently. The faster shutter speed of the camera is, the thinner the capture of the layers is. If we have a camera with the shutter speed of light, we can capture a layer with the thickness of one kilometer. This image will be so sharp that would show every details of that area. A proposal of cameras with Light Speed Shutter (LSS) is currently submitted to camera manufacturers, for further information click here.

As explained before images look blurry with the current tradition of photography. Every image taken from a planet or star from a distant would look very similar due to this blurriness.

How we can stop signals from shifting?

Few ways to do, …………. just ask.

What effects it has to my daily life?

Nothing, but if you are in a habit of scanning the radio channels to find a signal, you will not be able to receive anything (!); you would get just distortions. And if you are transmitting a signal to reach another planet, your signal will be useless because it is shifted and therefore unusable. Your signal will arrive at the destination in distorted version.

*Ask for details of these figures or see the formula.

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